Notarized translation of documents

Translation of apostille

An apostille is an internationally recognized certification that authenticates the signature and seal of the organization or official who issued the document. It allows official documents to be legally valid in other states that are parties to the Hague Convention on the Simplification of the Legalization of Foreign Documents.

When do I need an apostille translation?

In some cases, this is required for the document to be recognized as valid abroad. This can occur in the following situations:

  • If the apostille is in a language other than the official language of the country where it will be used.
  • If the document requiring apostille was written in one language and the apostille was issued in another.

Apostille translation in Russia

In Russia, papers are apostilled in Russian, so it is necessary to translate them into a foreign language for use abroad. Over the last two years the situation has changed slightly and now some agencies apostilize documents in Russian, English and French, although the Moscow Education Department still uses the old-style form when apostilling a diploma.

Apostille translation from other countries

In other states, the process of translating an apostille is similar. An apostille is usually issued in the official language of the country. Therefore, its translation is necessary if it is to be used in a country where that language is not official. For example, in Cyprus you can issue a power of attorney in Russian, but the apostille stamp will be in English. In this case, in order to use the document in Russia, you will need to translate the apostille, as well as other stamps and seals in foreign languages.

Apostille translation requirements

In order for the legal validity of a translation not to be questioned, certain requirements must be met:

  • Accuracy: The translation must be an accurate reflection of the content of the apostille without any distortion or alteration.
  • Notarization: The translation must be notarized.
  • Language: Translation must be in the official language of the country where it will be used.

In addition to the general requirements, there may be additional requirements imposed by the country where the document will be used. For example, when preparing papers for Belgium, a double apostille may be required. This is done as follows:

  1. You receive an official document.
  2. Apostille it in one of the authorized bodies.
  3. Translate the apostilled document into the desired foreign language.
  4. Apostille it again at the Ministry of Justice.

Before traveling abroad, especially for a lengthy period to work under a long-term contract or to obtain a residence permit, you should prepare the paperwork extra careful. The best solution is to contact a professional BetterLetter office.

How to place an order

Applying to our office is very easy - just send us an email, use WhatsApp/Telegram Messenger or use the order form on our website and attach your scans or photos. Our specialist will calculate the deadline, accept payment in cash, by card or online.

What are the terms

This depends on the language required and the need for additional services such as notarization. We usually deliver standard documents on the next business day, but if you are in a hurry, we can complete your express order within 1-2 hours.

Examples of our work

Original apostille of the Republic of the Philippines Translation of the Apostille of the Republic of the Philippines into the russian language Notary certification

Example of notarized apostille translation of the Republic of the Philippines


Translation of general texts
The following is the minimum price for translation of a text up to 1 standard page (1800 characters with spaces). The final cost depends on the richness of the text with special terminology, the need for layout and the urgency of fulfillment.
LanguageCost from language(Standard rate)Cost to language(Standard rate)
Azerbaijanifrom 900 from 1 000
Englishfrom 600 from 650
Arabicfrom 1 300 from 1 400
Armenianfrom 700 from 800
Bulgarianfrom 1 000 from 1 100
Bosnianfrom 1 000 from 1 100
Hungarianfrom 1 100 from 1 200
Vietnamesefrom 1 400 from 1 500
Dutchfrom 1 200 from 1 300
Greekfrom 1 000 from 1 100
Georgianfrom 800 from 900
Darifrom 1 600 from 1 700
Danishfrom 1 400 from 1 500
Hebrewfrom 1 100 from 1 300
Indonesianfrom 1 400 from 1 500
Spanishfrom 750 from 850
Italianfrom 750 from 850
Kazakhfrom 900 from 1 000
Kyrgyzfrom 1 000 from 1 300
Chinesefrom 1 100 from 1 300
Koreanfrom 1 400 from 1 500
Khmerfrom 1 600 from 1 700
Latvianfrom 1 000 from 1 100
Lithuanianfrom 1 000 from 1 100
Germanfrom 650 from 700
Norwegianfrom 1 400 from 1 500
Polishfrom 1 000 from 1 100
Portuguesefrom 1 200 from 1 300
Romanianfrom 900 from 1 000
Serbianfrom 1 000 from 1 100
Slovakfrom 1 000 from 1 100
Slovenianfrom 1 000 from 1 100
Tajikfrom 1 000 from 1 300
Thaifrom 1 400 from 1 500
Turkishfrom 1 100 from 1 200
Turkmenfrom 1 100 from 1 200
Uzbekfrom 900 from 1 000
Ukrainianfrom 600 from 700
Farsi (Persian)from 1 400 from 1 500
Finnishfrom 1 400 from 1 500
Frenchfrom 650 from 700
Hindifrom 1 400 from 1 500
Croatianfrom 1 000 from 1 100
Montenegrinfrom 1 000 from 1 100
Czechfrom 1 000 from 1 100
Swedishfrom 1 400 from 1 500
Estonianfrom 1 000 from 1 100
Japanesefrom 1 400 from 1 500
Other languageCheck with manager

Place your order

Service cost:
Time to completion: from 1 working day
The displayed cost and time to completion are only indicative and shall be confirmed by our manager when processing the order.

Our customers' reviews

Kate Schröder September 20, 2024

I ordered a translation from Bulgarian into Russian! Sergey, the manager, was so polite and helpful. Everything was done quickly and delivered right on time! Thank you so much! I will definitely recommend you to anyone looking for a great translation service!

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Jimmy Heineman June 21, 2024

I had a few documents translated and they were done in just two days. The translator was great and gave me all the feedback I needed.

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Anastasia Molotorenko May 3, 2024

I'm really happy with the translation – it's top quality and super fast! I'll definitely be in touch again in the future.

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Irina Kiryanova May 2, 2024

I needed to get a medical article translated from English into Russian. I went to the office, we agreed on a deadline, and the young man was really polite. The translation was done quickly and efficiently. I'll definitely use this office from now on.

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